Beginner's Fat Burning Exercises To Lose Weight

        Physical activity or Exercise improves your health and helps to boost your immunity. Regular exercise is the best thing you can do for a good health. Exercise can also improve the mental health by lowering the depression.

Do you really need exercise to lose weight?

     Undoubtedly, both diet and exercise are equally important to lose weight. Combining physical activity with nutritious diet helps to get rid of fats. Changes in weight are affected by the amount of energy used Vs the amount of energy consumed. If the energy expenditure remains low(i.e. low physical activity, exercise etc.) as compared to diet intake, there is a net gain in weight.

    Exercise and any physical activity are crucial not only for weight loss but for a good health and immunity. Doctor says that, Exercise is the best prevention to diseases like, heart attack, hypothyroidism, Diabetes etc. For weight loss one thing you must  remember, in fact you must do it is ”Burn more than you eat” actually it is a best phenomenon to lose weight.

                Here we focus on the basic role of exercise training in prevention of weight gain, maintaining weight  and initial weight loss by different exercises. If you don’t want to go to the gym or you don't have time to workout in gym, may be some people scared to physical injuries during intensive workout at gym. For those this blog is focused on a cheaper and simpler way to stay fit at home.

                Working out with weight training is more intensive and effective exercise to strengthen your muscles and boost metabolism. Low metabolism is one of the reasons for weight gain. Actually metabolism is a process of converting food into energy. If your metabolism is fast you will burn more calories at rest and during physical activity that’s why some people can eat more than others without gaining weight. Basically the intense work out training is more effective to lose weight but the beginners can stick to cardio which is beneficial for improving flexibility of their body and  metabolism.

Best exercises for weight loss

The below suggested exercises are simpler and effective to start your weight loss journey and also helpful in gaining some muscle strength and flexibility 

Surya namaskar :

                Surya namaskar is a good start up for beginners. It’s a complete body warm up exercise.

 There are many variations of surya namaskar, pick one of those and follow it in a every single day for a better result:

12 pose of surya namaskar:

Asana 1: Pranamasana(Prayer pose)
Asana2: Hastauttanasana(Raised arms pose)
Asana3: Hastapadasana(Hand to foot pose)
Asana4: Ashwa sanchalanasana(Equestrian pose)
Asana5: Dandasana(Stick pose)
Asana6: Ashtanaga namaskar(Salutation with 8 parts of the body)
Asana7: Bhujangasana(Cobra Asana)
Asana8: Adho mukhsavana(Downward facing down)
Asana9: Ashwa sanchalanasana(Equestrian pose)
Asana10: Hastapadasana(Hand to foot pose)
Asana11: Hasta uttanasana(Raised arm pose)
Asana12: Tadasana(Standing mountain pose)

            This exercise strengthens the muscles and joints, improves digestion. While doing the Surya Namaskar yoga mat is essential to help practitioner to keep his/her hold strong on the surface due to  anti-slippery surface of yoga mat. Do 12 sets of the surya namskar before starting other workout for warm up .

Walking :


            Walking is one of the best and easy exercises for a weight loss. According to Harvard Health, 155 pound person burns around 167 calories per 30 min of walking at a moderate speed. Walking is a great exercise for beginners. Try to incorporate more walk into your daily activities rather than using automobiles for small distances. You can track number of steps you have walked with your smartphone or you may buy smartwatch or smart band in order track heart rate, intensity along with distance in order to help you improve your regimen.

Jogging or Running:


             It is a great exercise to lose overall body fat. At the beginning try to jog for 30-45 minutes, 3-4 times per week. If you find jogging and running outdoor to be hard on your joints, try running on treadmill. Many treadmills have built-in cushioning, which may be easier on your joints.

Cycling :

            Cycling is the best exercise that engages all your body parts and  helps you burn more calories. Although cycling is best if done outdoor, stationary bikes are better option if roads are crowdie and polluted. Stationary bikes allows you to cycle while staying indoors. Cycling daily is good for knee joints.

Jump rope :

            Skipping rope is easiest , cheapest and effective way to stay fit. Jump rope is best exercise for warm up. Do 100 reps for beginners  and 500 reps after 6 weeks.

Burpee :

        Burpee is a full body exercise which also promotes the strengthening muscles. At the beginning you may find it hard to perform burpee but after gaining some strength it will be easy for you. Those who seek bigger fitness goals like calisthenics, aerobics, athletics etc., burpee is a effective beginner exercise to gain strength and stamina.
Basically , it's performed in 4 steps and known as “4 count burpee”.

    -Begin in a standing position.

    -Move into in a squat position with your hands on the ground.

-Kick your feet back into plank position, while keeping your arms extended.
-Immediately return your feet into squat position.
-Stand-up from the squat position.

            This is a one rep, do 3-sets of 15 reps each in a one go for beginner. Take 10 second rest after doing each set.

Jumping Jacks:

            Like most of the cardio exercises, it increases your heart rate and improves your cardiovascular endurance. It is simple and most familiar exercise, if done faster with high intensity, definitely targets more calories.

             One can start with 50 jumping jacks per day and gradually increases to 100 jumping jacks in 2-4 weeks.

Walking lunges:

            Walking lunges strengthens the lower body. In this exercise glutes, calves, abdomen and hips body parts are targeted. It also engages your abs. Doing walking lunges with carrying weight make it more intensive.


Do 4 sets of 15 reps each and take rest of 10 sec after each set.

 Jump squat:

            Again jump squat is similar to HIIT exercise. It increases your heart rate and takes more energy and accelerates fat loss. At the beginning do simple squat or sumo squat, after some time when your leg muscles gets stronger, do this with jump & then you can start doing jump squats. Jump squat are more intensive than simple squat. It targets your lower as well as upper body fats.
Do it continuously for 45 seconds.


High knee:

            High knee is also a cardio exercise. It engages your core muscles and also strengthens the leg muscles. It is done like you are running on a spot with a high intensity. Beginners may not be able to do it with high intensity, so they can choose simpler version of high knee. Rise one leg towards the chest and quickly place it back on the floor and try to rise other simultaneously. For best result, do it continuously for 30-45 seconds.
            Follow this exercise routine for at least 6 months to shred fats and get body strength in order to condition the body for HIIT(High intensity interval training)



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